How to create a Prank Virus Using .vbs and Batch File

First See the demonstration 

What happens with this prank virus.

To make this Virus Follow the steps.

Remember :

Write this code first-

X=MsgBox("Message Description",0+16,"Title"­) 

What does this code do.

How to Edit and Use the Upper code

This are the code for Editing

1. You can write any number from 1,2,3 or 4 instead of 0 (before the '+' symbol) 
Below is the meaning of these numbers:

0 = OK Button, 
1 = OK / Cancel Button, 
2 = Abort / Retry / Ignore Button, 
3 = Yes / No / Cancel Button, 
4 = Yes / No Button, 
5 = Retry / Cancel Button

2. You can write 32 or 48 or 64 instead of 16.
Below is the meaning of each number:

16 = Critical Icon, 
32 = Help Icon, 
48 = Warning Icon, 
64 = Information Icon,

*Make a Shortcut of the program because you can change the icon of My Computer to fool any one

THIS is the ready code just copy in notepad 
and save with name-of-file.vbs

X=MsgBox("Error while opening computer. Do you want to fix it?",4+64,"Computer") 
X=MsgBox("Unable to Fix this Error. Do you want to scan this Computer",3+48,"Computer Scan") 
X=MsgBox("Alert! Virus has been detected. Do you want to delete this virus",3+16,"Alert") 
X=MsgBox("Unable to delete this virus",1+64,"Critical Error")  
X=MsgBox("Virus is Activated",2+16," Virus Alert ") 
X=MsgBox("Deleting System FIles...",2+16,"File Deletion") 
X=MsgBox("Virus is copying your password",2+48,"Virus Alert") 
X=MsgBox("Please wait. Uploading yourfiles to hack server. Do you want to stop it?",4+64,"File Transfer") 

X=MsgBox("Cannot Stop. FIle Transfer Completed",1+16,"Completed") 

X=MsgBox("Your computer is hacked",1+64,"Hacked") 

X=MsgBox("You cannot Access your Computer Anymore...",1+48,"Hacked") 

X=MsgBox("This was PRANK, There is no Virus",1+64,"No Virus") 

X=MsgBox("This prank was made by Ajinkya Sawarkar !!!",0+16,"Bye..Bye..") 


AND there is one more ready-made program made by me  

By which you can open the program and it will create short automatically.
You can use it on your friends PC.

*The original program is saved in D:/virus.
*This folder is hide so copy the location.

To Remove the installation of the program 

Download this program


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